Igor Moukhin
Born in:
1961, Moscow, Russia
Chernovtsy. 1987Produced: 1987Year of collection: 1991Author: Vjacheslav TarnovezkiyCollector: Igor Moukhin

Photo on requestProduced: 1988Year of collection: 1989Author: Nikolay BakharevCollector: Igor Moukhin

UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Konstantin BatynkovCollector: Igor Moukhin

Once upon a time in AmericaProduced: 1989Year of collection: 1990Author: Alla PugachevaCollector: Igor Moukhin

Tarot CardsProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Andrey BezukladnikovCollector: Igor Moukhin

Sketch of «sheep shearing»Produced: 2010Year of collection: 2010Author: Alice JoffeeCollector: Igor Moukhin

UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Alexandr SlusarevCollector: Igor Moukhin

Somebody else's photos — 1987Produced: 1987Year of collection: 1990Author: Alexey ShulginCollector: Igor Moukhin

Slusarev's portraitProduced: 1995Year of collection: 1997Author: Andreis GrantsCollector: Igor Moukhin

Moscow. 1992Produced: 1992Year of collection: 1992Author: Ekaterina MedvedevaCollector: Igor Moukhin

Black line. 1989Produced: 1989Year of collection: 1989Author: Andrey BezukladnikovCollector: Igor Moukhin

Prigov, Masha-Larisa, YuhananovProduced: 1987Year of collection: unknownAuthor: Andrey BezukladnikovCollector: Igor Moukhin

River Priazhka, Petersburg, 1974Produced: 1974Year of collection: 1988Author: Dmitry ShaginCollector: Igor Moukhin

Tarot CardsProduced: 1993Year of collection: 1993Author: Andrey BezukladnikovCollector: Igor Moukhin

Portrait of Igor MukhinProduced: 1989Year of collection: 1989Author: Alexandr SlusarevCollector: Igor Moukhin

Photo for documents. 1987Produced: 1988Year of collection: unknownAuthor: Sergey LeontievCollector: Igor Moukhin

UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Alexandr SlusarevCollector: Igor Moukhin

UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Gueorgui PinkhassovCollector: Igor Moukhin

ChernovtsyProduced: 1990Year of collection: 1990Author: Vjacheslav TarnovezkiyCollector: Igor Moukhin

UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Alexandr SlusarevCollector: Igor Moukhin

UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Alexandr SlusarevCollector: Igor Moukhin

UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Alexandr SlusarevCollector: Igor Moukhin

UntitledProduced: 1990Year of collection: 1990Author: Andrey Bezukladnikov, Gor ChahalCollector: Igor Moukhin