Title: A M M SDescription: AMMS — Andrey Monastirskiy to Masha Sumnina
Video: «Conversation with the lamp» (1985), «Soft pen» (1985), «Binoculars» (1990), «Michurin» (1992)
the 7th of 10 discs producedCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: VideoYear of production: 2005Year of collection: 2005
Video: «Conversation with the lamp» (1985), «Soft pen» (1985), «Binoculars» (1990), «Michurin» (1992)
the 7th of 10 discs producedCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: VideoYear of production: 2005Year of collection: 2005