Title: Sketch for an unrealized project of ESCAPE to the Venice BiennaleDescription: А4
«You can see the stetch to the project that had a sad destiny. It was a project about angels. It was conceived by a group in 2002-2003 for the project in Oslo run by the curator A.Panov, but it was not realized. As times passed the group wanted to realize it more and more and when we were invited to the Venice Biennale we offered immediately the project to the curators and it was accepted, but then suddenly it was refused without explanations, following somebody's instruction».
L.MorozovaCollector: Liza MorozovaTransfer way: leftGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2005Year of collection: 2005
«You can see the stetch to the project that had a sad destiny. It was a project about angels. It was conceived by a group in 2002-2003 for the project in Oslo run by the curator A.Panov, but it was not realized. As times passed the group wanted to realize it more and more and when we were invited to the Venice Biennale we offered immediately the project to the curators and it was accepted, but then suddenly it was refused without explanations, following somebody's instruction».
L.MorozovaCollector: Liza MorozovaTransfer way: leftGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2005Year of collection: 2005