UntitledProduced: 2001Year of collection: 2001Author: Oxana DubrovskayaCollector: Maxim Iluhin, Natalya Struchkova
Thumb d3fe9d40 72f2 4aee 9b46 c1a32553fcf0
UntitledProduced: 2005Year of collection: 2005Author: Oxana DubrovskayaCollector: Maxim Iluhin, Natalya Struchkova
Thumb 90d14347 c527 4305 a3f0 5c731a37272d
UntitledProduced: 2001Year of collection: 2001Author: Oxana DubrovskayaCollector: Maxim Iluhin, Natalya Struchkova
Thumb ca77c612 fb3b 4b69 aa91 b0172e14bb5d
This is assProduced: 2000Year of collection: 2000Author: Oxana DubrovskayaCollector: Mihail Kosolapov
Thumb db1e7ba2 4ce5 4d94 ae31 d41bbd56464e