Anastasia Ryabova
Badge 8ef42e6a4f354b3a3a5bf05c32d83de4
Born in: 
1985, Moscow, Russia
Get outProduced: 2010Year of collection: 2010Author: Valery ChtakCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 7cc08666 fa66 4cf7 bf38 465d39dd4620
BEINGProduced: 2011Year of collection: 2011Author: Alina GutkinaCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 1af6c2a8 b526 44b6 854d f5afa55e08a8
Golden wordsProduced: 2012Year of collection: 2012Author: Ivan BrazhkinCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 7db7f1b0 31e3 432a afbf 2e429c357628
Equation №5Produced: 2005Year of collection: 2010Author: Alex BuldakovCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb cca11023 51e9 4f35 9337 147b6cce8d77
Pyramid» BagProduced: 2012Year of collection: 2012Author: Maxim SpivakovCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb ce51a905 5bf6 4112 b6a6 251f572274bf
Unknown Monastirsky's sonProduced: 2012Year of collection: 2012Author: Ivan BrazhkinCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 1e1030fe db84 43d0 87c4 1873e9f346fa
PyramidProduced: 2012Year of collection: 2012Author: Andrey Monastirskiy (Sumnin), Masha SumninaCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb fdac6284 4bab 42f6 918c a6f90dd8c1d6
RabbitProduced: 2012Year of collection: 2012Author: Melanya CherepaninaCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb c6360f77 123e 4a30 8d43 f636d2092756
UntitledProduced: 2011Year of collection: 2011Author: Alexandr VerevkinCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 9c0de5cf 53d4 478b 9062 7092e374e097
PassProduced: 2012Year of collection: 2012Author: Vladislav KruchinskyCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 3a16fb3f 99b5 467c 8dd8 7c840cf73e3d
Number 1Produced: 2009Year of collection: 2012Author: Alice NikitinovaCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 7e4825a9 8117 44c4 887e 546e95621a72
SelfProduced: 2005Year of collection: 2010Author: Alexandr SigutinCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 02611ca1 8c8d 42d9 8ba2 b7785b222698
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: 2012Author: Collector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 7a86b718 753f 4d61 b5b6 bdaeae418e46
Particle № 32Produced: 2008Year of collection: 2011Author: Alexandr VerevkinCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 431bc1ae 99c7 496e 9853 d88d70d9446c
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: 2014Author: Vladislav KruchinskyCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 7943f993 74e5 4b58 a6d6 9a961699212d
All edition of this poster was eliminatedProduced: 2011Year of collection: 2011Author: Valery ChtakCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 3524e5a7 986a 4962 b7bd d9a5ebcfd2a8
UntitledProduced: 2005Year of collection: 2007Author: Ivan BrazhkinCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb c5041239 1ae1 491f b67b a852b0c526cc
ApricotsProduced: 2012Year of collection: 2012Author: Alexandr VerevkinCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb ba4c866b e351 4bb4 b53f d0334ac2b4ce
UntitledProduced: 2010Year of collection: 2010Author: Group EliKukaCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb fc7c8e45 e404 4baa 925e 97614d9b5461
Equation №2Produced: 2006Year of collection: 2010Author: Alex BuldakovCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 25693848 53b3 4e6b 9a9d 808e1f2df6c8
Dress № 7 for ladyProduced: 2009Year of collection: 2009Author: Alexandra GalkinaCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb ddec5fab f74b 470c 9212 97469ac47dc3
Equation №3Produced: 2006Year of collection: 2010Author: Alex BuldakovCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 1f1dacc6 c831 4b8b abc6 6f3b70a14425
UntitledProduced: 1963Year of collection: 2011Author: Armen BugayanCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 46438050 0ccf 42d6 9550 f3a5f36a4e54
Equation №6Produced: 2006Year of collection: 2010Author: Alex BuldakovCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 839742f0 4eae 4341 8b45 655c80b8ab4c
Motivation LetterProduced: 2011Year of collection: 2011Author: Camille LaurelliCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 823b6df0 0408 4447 b018 2733ca9699a8
220V: Mixed mediaProduced: 2002Year of collection: 2010Author: Vladis ShapovalovCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 3b133ee3 8373 412e bdd9 8ae899cf44e0
UntitledProduced: 2010Year of collection: 2010Author: Alex BuldakovCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 08ee4604 dacb 46b0 ab10 287858206ddd
DirtProduced: 2007Year of collection: 2008Author: Collector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 8997b32f 0c6b 4b39 a00d 2193ed164b7f
UntitledProduced: 2006Year of collection: 2008Author: Alexandra GalkinaCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb f7e23dca 90eb 455c 9408 1ed33a044e31
Somewhere in Abu DhabiProduced: 2011Year of collection: 2012Author: Vladislav KruchinskyCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 147a1abb dd35 440a 9985 603c20824483
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: 2011Author: Armen BugayanCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 18c85f1f ad96 4c00 acdb 765bc7da2628
AnnouncementProduced: 2012Year of collection: 2012Author: Vladislav KruchinskyCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb 5c61e0cb 063a 47da 84d3 edf671a7bb9f
Beaver MonolithProduced: 2011Year of collection: 2011Author: Group EliKukaCollector: Anastasia Ryabova
Thumb e060c6f0 b7fa 40b7 a09b ef672560e5d6