David Lefebvre
Born in: 
1980, Grenoble, France
UntitledProduced: 2007Year of collection: unknownAuthor: David LefebvreCollector: Camille Laurelli
Thumb 9682a03d da7e 4c01 b8c0 f48cbf2ef3d9
Sans TitreProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: David LefebvreCollector: Clode Coulpier
Thumb ca450174 f77f 4046 85f0 11b4301c60d3
ViennettaProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: David LefebvreCollector: Clode Coulpier
Thumb eb6e7c47 e2f6 4b74 a9f7 3e40202f764f
MonopolyProduced: 2005Year of collection: unknownAuthor: David LefebvreCollector: Camille Laurelli
Thumb c8dad70f 5724 41ca 8b4d ff66e7441971
AutoportraitProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: David LefebvreCollector: Clode Coulpier
Thumb 88993295 bf71 41ee 9ac6 5f1c537e38e6