Georgiy Ostrezov
Born in:
UntitledProduced: 2005Year of collection: 2005Author: Gela ZuladzeCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
HareProduced: 2005Year of collection: 2005Author: Rostan TavasievCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
The house is like a full cupProduced: 2007Year of collection: 2007Author: Georgiy LitichevskiyCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
Couple of sleepersProduced: 2008Year of collection: 2008Author: Oleg KotelnikovCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
Branch of a cherry treeProduced: 2007Year of collection: 2007Author: Oleg KotelnikovCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
Psychopathic antProduced: 2003Year of collection: 2003Author: Georgiy LitichevskiyCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Darya KrotovaCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
UntitledProduced: 2002Year of collection: 2002Author: Zhanna KadyrovaCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
MoustachesProduced: 2008Year of collection: 2010Author: Group EliKukaCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova