Georgiy Ostrezov
Born in: 
UntitledProduced: 2005Year of collection: 2005Author: Gela ZuladzeCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
Thumb 8bb4e6fd 6e44 44d4 a98f 34e87ff10707
UntitledProduced: 2002Year of collection: 2002Author: Zhanna KadyrovaCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
Thumb 36d0418b f0a1 4a5b 9b02 9dd96527dcf9
HareProduced: 2005Year of collection: 2005Author: Rostan TavasievCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
Thumb 442a486e 8a29 4952 86c5 8fd61941be56
MoustachesProduced: 2008Year of collection: 2010Author: Group EliKukaCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
Thumb e05cc907 ba7a 4c2c a25d 706cbe9344d5
Psychopathic antProduced: 2003Year of collection: 2003Author: Georgiy LitichevskiyCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
Thumb 30a6a7c2 f9c9 48f8 a8b1 1a36d6651af2
Couple of sleepersProduced: 2008Year of collection: 2008Author: Oleg KotelnikovCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
Thumb 36170f73 9852 4b82 abe2 03933aec4e39
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Darya KrotovaCollector: Georgiy Ostrezov, Ludmila Konstantinova
Thumb 7ce4dbf1 49f7 4c3b bcd2 6ecb1a9d51dc