Gueorgui Pinkhassov
Born in: 
1952, Moscow, Russia
UntitledProduced: 1983Year of collection: 1985Author: Gueorgui PinkhassovCollector: Igor Moukhin
Thumb 5a5e8ec9 0e01 4dd8 8c8c 037792becaba
UntitledProduced: 1991Year of collection: 1991Author: Gueorgui PinkhassovCollector: Igor Moukhin
Thumb 556b2102 478b 4128 837f 031f19ad9b2b
UntitledProduced: 1996Year of collection: 1996Author: Gueorgui PinkhassovCollector: Igor Moukhin
Thumb 30102939 1545 4806 81dd 64bcfebc9458
UntitledProduced: 1991Year of collection: 1991Author: Gueorgui PinkhassovCollector: Igor Moukhin
Thumb 9ee54a45 4fb7 414b 9534 1f796d723420
UntitledProduced: 1991Year of collection: 1991Author: Gueorgui PinkhassovCollector: Igor Moukhin
Thumb c27b39a5 27e1 41ae a16f b2ac4399a461
UntitledProduced: 1991Year of collection: 1991Author: Gueorgui PinkhassovCollector: Igor Moukhin
Thumb 0d0f8be9 b523 4d84 8f40 8cdf3d372a45
UntitledProduced: 1991Year of collection: 1991Author: Gueorgui PinkhassovCollector: Igor Moukhin
Thumb 2deb70b5 966e 47ac bdeb 857a69b94baa
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Gueorgui PinkhassovCollector: Igor Moukhin
Thumb 4586d8b5 bdc1 4e58 a43a 79dddbfeb2c2