Title: Was Kattelan here?Collector: Vladis ShapovalovTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2003

Title: UntitledDescription: А4
Watercolor on paperCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: leftGenre: Picture
Watercolor on paperCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: leftGenre: Picture

Title: UntitledDescription: Text in the work:
— I'm satisfied with my hairCollector: Sergey SapozhnikovTransfer way: storedGenre: Photography Year of collection: 2008
— I'm satisfied with my hairCollector: Sergey SapozhnikovTransfer way: storedGenre: Photography Year of collection: 2008

Title: UntitledDescription: Text in the work:
Are you jealous?Collector: Sasha AuerbahTransfer way: presentedGenre: Object
Are you jealous?Collector: Sasha AuerbahTransfer way: presentedGenre: Object

Title: UntitledDescription: Given to Irina Alexandrova as a present on her birthdayCollector: Oleg EliseevTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010

Title: UntitledDescription: 8 х 8 сmCollector: Oleg EliseevTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010