Title: FoxDescription: 47 х 32 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2006Year of collection: 2006

Title: LetterDescription: Letter written by Maria Konstantinova and sent to Maria Sumnina in America.
Size: M.
Cotton, thread
Text in the work:
Page 1 26/05/2002
Maniusha! I write to you from Tarusa, I take the cat for a walk, he is like a berserk — in anger and in a rave. He purrs and growls. In a day's time he recovered and now behaves well. Country people like him. All Tarusa is covered with white lilac and frogs sing at the river. I've seen a real sphingidae, looks like a bird!
Page 2
Almost 10 days have passed, locust started to blossom. I write very slowly. Soon I'll return to Moscow. I'll write what's happening there. Here nothing impresses much. The cat is sad. I have to start the life in the city.
PS Write an e-mail to Vera or Monia.Collector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: Unknown
Size: M.
Cotton, thread
Text in the work:
Page 1 26/05/2002
Maniusha! I write to you from Tarusa, I take the cat for a walk, he is like a berserk — in anger and in a rave. He purrs and growls. In a day's time he recovered and now behaves well. Country people like him. All Tarusa is covered with white lilac and frogs sing at the river. I've seen a real sphingidae, looks like a bird!
Page 2
Almost 10 days have passed, locust started to blossom. I write very slowly. Soon I'll return to Moscow. I'll write what's happening there. Here nothing impresses much. The cat is sad. I have to start the life in the city.
PS Write an e-mail to Vera or Monia.Collector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: Unknown

Title: UntitledDescription: Given as a birthday present. From the collection of the poo models for the construction of the hypermarket
А3Collector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2005
А3Collector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2005

Title: UntitledDescription: Object from the performance in 2009 made especially for the exhibition «Temptation»Collector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009

Title: UntitledDescription: Object from the performance in 2009 when in the presence of the public Andrey made works of art from the objects given by the viewers
GlucoseCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: Object Year of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009
GlucoseCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: Object Year of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009

Title: UntitledDescription: Object from the performance in 2009 when in the presence of the public Andrey made works of art from the objects given by the viewersCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009

Title: Homo LignumDescription: 30 x 13,5 cmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: Object

Title: UntitledDescription: Portrait of the cat Joseph of Maria Konstantinova
15,5 x 17,5
GouacheCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: Picture
15,5 x 17,5
GouacheCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: Picture

Title: Inhabitants of Odessa are picking up speedDescription: Self-published book. A 6. Poetry, prose.Collector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2009

Title: SputnikDescription: А4
Paper, color pencil
sketch of the sculpture «Sputnik»Collector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010
Paper, color pencil
sketch of the sculpture «Sputnik»Collector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010

Title: NewspaperDescription: MishMash helped to publish the newspaper. Edition: 100 copies. Silkscreen.
61 x 92 cmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2002Year of collection: 2002
61 x 92 cmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2002Year of collection: 2002

Title: 12 storiesDescription: Limited edition: 20 copies.
Digital print.
А6Collector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: BookYear of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009
Digital print.
А6Collector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: BookYear of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009

Title: UntitledDescription: А4
Paper, color pencilCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010
Paper, color pencilCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010

Title: Floppy discDescription: On the disc: celestial map, schemes, tables
Dedication: To Masha on her birthday from her fatherCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 1998Year of collection: 1998
Dedication: To Masha on her birthday from her fatherCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 1998Year of collection: 1998

Title: A M M SDescription: AMMS — Andrey Monastirskiy to Masha Sumnina
Video: «Conversation with the lamp» (1985), «Soft pen» (1985), «Binoculars» (1990), «Michurin» (1992)
the 7th of 10 discs producedCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: VideoYear of production: 2005Year of collection: 2005
Video: «Conversation with the lamp» (1985), «Soft pen» (1985), «Binoculars» (1990), «Michurin» (1992)
the 7th of 10 discs producedCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: VideoYear of production: 2005Year of collection: 2005

Title: After the actionsCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: VideoYear of production: 2005Year of collection: 2005

Title: UntitledDescription: Text on the pants:
Don't cry, rabbit, don't cryCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2003Year of collection: 2003
Don't cry, rabbit, don't cryCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2003Year of collection: 2003

Title: Book of NumbersDescription: notebook, photo, penCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: BookYear of production: 2000Year of collection: 2000

Title: UntitledCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2003Year of collection: 2003

Title: Water barrelDescription: 10 х 15 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2010

Title: HaloperidolDescription: 10 х 15 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2010

Title: CreamDescription: 10 х 15 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2010

Title: Jump ropeDescription: 10 х 15 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2010

Title: CombsDescription: 15 х 20 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2011

Title: Swimming capDescription: 15 х 20 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2010

Title: BarrierDescription: 9 х 13 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2010

Title: Protection from dog bitesDescription: 15 х 20 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2010