Title: HouseDescription: Oil on cardboard
80 x 90 cmCollector: Alexandr SigutinTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 1983Year of collection: 1983
80 x 90 cmCollector: Alexandr SigutinTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 1983Year of collection: 1983
Title: MargaritaDescription: 74 x 48 cm
Cardboard, mixed mediaCollector: Alexandr KislyakovTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 1983Year of collection: 1983
Cardboard, mixed mediaCollector: Alexandr KislyakovTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 1983Year of collection: 1983
Title: MacbethDescription: S. Ilyich left in the studio of N. Duritskaya
9.8 x 12.6 cm
Mixed media on paperCollector: Natalya DuritskayaTransfer way: storedGenre: PictureYear of production: 1989Year of collection: 2009
9.8 x 12.6 cm
Mixed media on paperCollector: Natalya DuritskayaTransfer way: storedGenre: PictureYear of production: 1989Year of collection: 2009