Title: Viktoria LomaskoDescription: Alexey Sosna stole this artwork on the exhibition: «Charitable act» and gave as a present to Viktoria LomaskoCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: Picture

Title: UntitledDescription: Oil on canvasCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: not specifiedGenre: Picture

Title: UntitledDescription: А4
Watercolor on paperCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Picture
Watercolor on paperCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Picture

Title: UntitledDescription: А4
Watercolor on paperCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: leftGenre: Picture
Watercolor on paperCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: leftGenre: Picture

Title: UntitledDescription: А4
Watercolor on paperCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Picture
Watercolor on paperCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Picture

Title: UntitledDescription: А4
Watercolor on paperCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Picture
Watercolor on paperCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Picture

Title: UntitledDescription: Documentation of the performanceCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: Documentation

Title: UntitledDescription: Oil on canvasCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: not specifiedGenre: PictureYear of production: 1963

Title: UntitledDescription: Print on vinil
60 х 80 сmCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: not specifiedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2005Year of collection: 2005
60 х 80 сmCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: not specifiedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2005Year of collection: 2005

Title: UntitledDescription: «The story of these works is as follows: during the meeting with Erofeev and his lawers Shaburov wanted to make some sketches, I gave him my sketch-book and as a result I received the drawings » (V. Lomasko)Collector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: foundGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010

Title: UntitledDescription: Text in the work:
— I'm in Moscow!
— I'll make my portrait myself. I hate you and all of you!
— The clock has been set foward one hour.
— Give me a dead Lenin!Collector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010
— I'm in Moscow!
— I'll make my portrait myself. I hate you and all of you!
— The clock has been set foward one hour.
— Give me a dead Lenin!Collector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010

Title: UntitledDescription: Text in the work:
— I still recall the wondrous moment when you appeared before my sight*
— A.S. — Jean-Paul Hitler
— And Lenin is so… **
— Put an animal's head on your head.
— If it weren't for us and Stalin, they wouldn't have existed
* A line from the poetry of Pushkin
** A line from the song «And Lenin is so young and young October is ahead»Collector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010
— I still recall the wondrous moment when you appeared before my sight*
— A.S. — Jean-Paul Hitler
— And Lenin is so… **
— Put an animal's head on your head.
— If it weren't for us and Stalin, they wouldn't have existed
* A line from the poetry of Pushkin
** A line from the song «And Lenin is so young and young October is ahead»Collector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010

Title: UntitledDescription: Text in the work:
The first time in Moscow
— They told me that all moscovites are ..., and that if I ask them how to get somewhere in English, they would just ignore me, moscovites speak only French. But they are kind!
— He's nutsCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010
The first time in Moscow
— They told me that all moscovites are ..., and that if I ask them how to get somewhere in English, they would just ignore me, moscovites speak only French. But they are kind!
— He's nutsCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2010

Title: UntitledDescription: Letters in the work: RF (Russian Federation)Collector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: Unknown

Title: UntitledDescription: Oil on canvasCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: Picture

Title: Master classDescription: Text in the work:
With Uralmash charvers we found a common language.
It's strange that in Ekaterinburg one can see the same cars as in MoscowCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008
With Uralmash charvers we found a common language.
It's strange that in Ekaterinburg one can see the same cars as in MoscowCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008

Title: UntitledDescription: Text in the work:
Don't have 100 roubles, have 100 whores
(A paraphrase of the Russian proverb: Do not have 100 roubles, have 100 friends)Collector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: not specifiedGenre: Unknown
Don't have 100 roubles, have 100 whores
(A paraphrase of the Russian proverb: Do not have 100 roubles, have 100 friends)Collector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: not specifiedGenre: Unknown

Title: UntitledDescription: The drawing of Ira Drozd was made in my album during the residence at Art-Zavod in Ekaterinburg (V.Lomasko)
Text in the work:
— How did you manage?
— God knows what it is. In 15 minutes I'll go to town!Collector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
— How did you manage?
— God knows what it is. In 15 minutes I'll go to town!Collector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: Unknown

Title: UntitledDescription: A4
Paper, gel penCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2011
Paper, gel penCollector: Viktoria LomaskoTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2010Year of collection: 2011