Title: InhabitantsDescription: film seriesCollector: Vladis ShapovalovTransfer way: leftGenre: VideoYear of production: 2002

Title: UntitledDescription: Print on photographic paper
Text in the work:
Racial conflicts are in general rather rare in LondonCollector: Valery ChtakTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2004Year of collection: 2005
Text in the work:
Racial conflicts are in general rather rare in LondonCollector: Valery ChtakTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2004Year of collection: 2005

Title: Eduard LimonovDescription: A5Collector: Valery ChtakTransfer way: presentedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2004Year of collection: 2004

Title: UntitledDescription: Weight 16 kgCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: storedGenre: Object Year of production: 2003Year of collection: 2003

Title: I will do it fast…Description: А4
Text in the work:
I will do it fast, and without joking!Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
I will do it fast, and without joking!Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: Skubia criedDescription: А4
Print, color pencil
Text in the work:
Skubia cried and beat his fists against the tableCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Print, color pencil
Text in the work:
Skubia cried and beat his fists against the tableCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: Do I need all this?Description: А4Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: Skubia is thinking like this:…Description: А4
Text in the work:
Skubia is thinking: you and I, we have just a black night and a river…
(words from the song of Viktor Tsoi)Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
Skubia is thinking: you and I, we have just a black night and a river…
(words from the song of Viktor Tsoi)Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: After your death…Description: А4
Text in the work:
After your death they just betrayed you… simplyCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
After your death they just betrayed you… simplyCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: Skubia and TsoiDescription: А4
Text in the work:
Skubia and Tsoi
— Tell me, Viktor…Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
Skubia and Tsoi
— Tell me, Viktor…Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: Petor Henry taught Skubia to be proud…Description: А4
Text in the work:
Petor Henry taught Skubia to be proud, and he didn't want to show his tearsCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
Petor Henry taught Skubia to be proud, and he didn't want to show his tearsCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: Petor Henry is stronger and wiser…Description: А4
Text in the work:
Petor Henry is stronger and wiser…But Skubia is also not so badCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
Petor Henry is stronger and wiser…But Skubia is also not so badCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: Skubia and Tsoi:…Description: А4
Text in the work:
Skubia and Tsoi:
What should I do, Vitya? How should I behave? I love her…Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
Skubia and Tsoi:
What should I do, Vitya? How should I behave? I love her…Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: Skubia says:…Description: А4
Text in the work:
Skubia says: I would like just to be with you, but I'm coming across a wall of incomprehension…Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
Skubia says: I would like just to be with you, but I'm coming across a wall of incomprehension…Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: Skubia is thinking:…Description: А4
Text in the work:
Skubia is thinking: jealousy is killing me… and I'm so ashaimed of myselfCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
Skubia is thinking: jealousy is killing me… and I'm so ashaimed of myselfCollector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: Petor Henry…Description: А4
Text in the work:
Petor Henry instructs Skubia:
— She won't lead you to anything good, remember my words!Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown
Text in the work:
Petor Henry instructs Skubia:
— She won't lead you to anything good, remember my words!Collector: Alexey KallimaTransfer way: abandonedGenre: Unknown

Title: UntitledDescription: Video — part of installationCollector: Alexander KorneevTransfer way: storedGenre: VideoYear of production: 2003Year of collection: 2003

Title: Do You Accord?Description: Fragment of video for the installationCollector: Alexander KorneevTransfer way: storedGenre: VideoYear of production: 2002Year of collection: 2002

Title: UntitledDescription: А4
Text in the work:
Petor Henry taught Skubia to be proud and he didn't want to show his tearsCollector: Vladis ShapovalovTransfer way: presentedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2001Year of collection: 2001
Text in the work:
Petor Henry taught Skubia to be proud and he didn't want to show his tearsCollector: Vladis ShapovalovTransfer way: presentedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2001Year of collection: 2001