Rikhard Vasmy
Born in: 
1929, Saint Petersburg, Russia
UntitledProduced: 1994Year of collection: unknownAuthor: Rikhard VasmyCollector: Oleg Kotelnikov
Thumb 05a3cc0d f127 4b0f 9587 5eaf9f68b267
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Rikhard VasmyCollector: Oleg Kotelnikov
Thumb 02db9ff6 8f01 4628 b986 84d86b01b9a9
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Rikhard VasmyCollector: Oleg Kotelnikov
Thumb 95d4d515 e851 4a62 a2ed e5737f43951e
Self-portrait in blue beretProduced: 1998Year of collection: unknownAuthor: Rikhard VasmyCollector: Oleg Kotelnikov
Thumb 6a9d9cc1 e870 4138 aedb c78a20a3b4ae