Title: Slogans on sanitary towelsCollector: Vladis ShapovalovTransfer way: presentedGenre: Documentation

Title: UntitledCollector: Vlad ChizhenkovTransfer way: presentedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2006Year of collection: 2009

Title: UntitledDescription: 60 х 80 сmCollector: Alice JoffeeTransfer way: presentedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2006Year of collection: 2009

Title: UntitledDescription: 2 х 2,5 cmCollector: Alice JoffeeTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009

Title: UntitledDescription: 30 х 30 сmCollector: Anastasia RyabovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2006Year of collection: 2008

Title: UntitledDescription: 2 х 3 сmCollector: Anastasia PotemkinaTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009

Title: untitledDescription: 15 х 10 сm
press on aluminum
Text in the work:
Man, I'm in the operaCollector: Anastasia PotemkinaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008
press on aluminum
Text in the work:
Man, I'm in the operaCollector: Anastasia PotemkinaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008

Title: UntitledDescription: 15 x 10 cm. Print on alimunium
Text in the work:
This user called you 5 times. Last time on 10.07.08 at 21:47.Collector: Irina KorinaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008
Text in the work:
This user called you 5 times. Last time on 10.07.08 at 21:47.Collector: Irina KorinaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008

Title: untitledDescription: 15 x 10 cm. Print on aluminiumCollector: Alice JoffeeTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008

Title: UntitledDescription: 15 x 10 cm Print on aluminium
Text in the work:
I'm reading his book about the 60s-70s etc.Collector: Irina KorinaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008
Text in the work:
I'm reading his book about the 60s-70s etc.Collector: Irina KorinaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008

Title: UntitledDescription: 15 х 10 сm
Print on aluminiumCollector: Nikolay RidniyTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008
Print on aluminiumCollector: Nikolay RidniyTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008

Title: UntitledDescription: 10 х 15 сm
print on aluminiumCollector: Artem GalkinTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography
print on aluminiumCollector: Artem GalkinTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography
Title: Dress № 7 for ladyDescription: Corrugated cardboard
Text on the work:
To Nastya on her birthday from SashaCollector: Anastasia RyabovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Object Year of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009
Text on the work:
To Nastya on her birthday from SashaCollector: Anastasia RyabovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Object Year of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009

Title: UntitledDescription: Marker on paper
Text in the work:
I can't think of anythingCollector: Vladis ShapovalovTransfer way: leftGenre: Picture
Text in the work:
I can't think of anythingCollector: Vladis ShapovalovTransfer way: leftGenre: Picture

Title: UntitledDescription: 10 х 15 сm
Print on aluminium
Text in the work:
Wish there were 3. We are ready, waiting for the callCollector: Zhanna KadyrovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008
Print on aluminium
Text in the work:
Wish there were 3. We are ready, waiting for the callCollector: Zhanna KadyrovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Photography Year of production: 2008

Title: UntitledDescription: Pencil on paper
Text in the work:
Don't park your cars near the church gatesCollector: Sergey SapozhnikovTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009
Text in the work:
Don't park your cars near the church gatesCollector: Sergey SapozhnikovTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009

Title: UntitledDescription: Presented to Irina AlexandrovaCollector: Oleg EliseevTransfer way: presentedGenre: Unknown

Title: UntitledCollector: Sasha AuerbahTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2009Year of collection: 2009

Title: UntitledDescription: Given to Darya AtlasCollector: Ivan BrazhkinTransfer way: presentedGenre: Unknown

Title: CombsDescription: 15 х 20 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2011

Title: BarrierDescription: 9 х 13 сmCollector: Group MishMashTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2010

Title: UntitledDescription: 10 x 15 cm
Aluminium print
Text in the work:
When a head is cut out, is continues to think for 15 seconds. gd nghtCollector: Lena MartynovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008
Aluminium print
Text in the work:
When a head is cut out, is continues to think for 15 seconds. gd nghtCollector: Lena MartynovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: PrintYear of production: 2008Year of collection: 2008