Quest of ParadiseProduced: 1998Year of collection: 1998Author: Igor MakarevichCollector: Yuri Albert

Familiar from the childhoodProduced: 1988Year of collection: 1988Author: Andrey RoiterCollector: Yuri Albert

During the long winter eveningsProduced: 1990Year of collection: 1990Author: Yuri LeidermanCollector: Yuri Albert

Merde d'artisteProduced: 1993Year of collection: 1993Author: Avdey Ter-OganyanCollector: Yuri Albert

Machine «understanding»Produced: 1978Year of collection: 1978Author: Viktor SkersisCollector: Yuri Albert

White compositionProduced: 1981Year of collection: 1981Author: Alexandr YulikovCollector: Yuri Albert

The ideal device for solving the energy problemProduced: 1975Year of collection: 1975Author: Vitaly Komar, Alex MelamidCollector: Yuri Albert

Panorama IIProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Evgeny IzmailovCollector: Yuri Albert

Teaching children the basics of civil defenseProduced: 1978Year of collection: 1980Author: Vadim Zaharov, Igor LuttsCollector: Yuri Albert

Nothing will come of it (the Tower of Babel)Produced: 1996Year of collection: 1996Author: Erik BulatovCollector: Yuri Albert

Days of Soviet Culture in MoscowProduced: 1991Year of collection: 1991Author: Daniil FilippovCollector: Yuri Albert

Untitled ( It is so sweet to sleep in the Spring...)Produced: 1996Year of collection: 1996Author: Pavel PeppershteinCollector: Yuri Albert

Bee and CowProduced: 1982Year of collection: 1982Author: Konstantin ZvezdochetovCollector: Yuri Albert

Work from «Black & White Exhibition»Produced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Group World championsCollector: Yuri Albert

Self-Portrait (Arch your back)Produced: 1984Year of collection: 1984Author: Vadim ZaharovCollector: Yuri Albert

The Italian defenseProduced: 1994Year of collection: 1994Author: Yuri LeidermanCollector: Yuri Albert

Self-portrait with black elephantProduced: 1983Year of collection: 1983Author: Vadim ZaharovCollector: Yuri Albert

Broken legProduced: 1973Year of collection: 1973Author: Vitaly Komar, Alex MelamidCollector: Yuri Albert

Imitation of Yuri AlbertProduced: 1985Year of collection: 1985Author: Andrey RoiterCollector: Yuri Albert

View from the Workshop Window on Chistye prudiProduced: 1993Year of collection: 1993Author: Mihail RoginskyCollector: Yuri Albert

I do my little businessProduced: 1988Year of collection: 1988Author: Boris MatrosovCollector: Yuri Albert

We think of youProduced: 1975Year of collection: 1975Author: Vitaly Komar, Alex MelamidCollector: Yuri Albert

ModernismusProduced: 1981Year of collection: 1982Author: Konstantin ZvezdochetovCollector: Yuri Albert

The Sorrows of Young WertherProduced: 1994Year of collection: 1994Author: Alexandr KuzkinCollector: Yuri Albert

Kutuzov and NapoleonProduced: 1983Year of collection: 1983Author: Konstantin ZvezdochetovCollector: Yuri Albert

Who are you with, Old Masters of the Renaissance?Produced: 1987Year of collection: 1987Author: Leonid VoitsehovCollector: Yuri Albert

A good artist is a dead artistProduced: 1983Year of collection: 1983Author: Sergey AnufrievCollector: Yuri Albert

Campbell Soup CanProduced: 1993Year of collection: 1993Author: Avdey Ter-OganyanCollector: Yuri Albert

Painters and poets love the mess in the headProduced: 1994Year of collection: 1994Author: Daniil FilippovCollector: Yuri Albert

Circle, Triangle, SquareProduced: 1974Year of collection: 1975Author: Vitaly Komar, Alex MelamidCollector: Yuri Albert

Сoffins of the regected poetry №№ 44, 292, 351Produced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Dmitry PrigovCollector: Yuri Albert

Seven hits on the waterProduced: 1976Year of collection: 1976Author: Nikita AlekseevCollector: Yuri Albert

The tower of BabelProduced: 1996Year of collection: 1996Author: Maria KonstantinovaCollector: Yuri Albert

Tykalka «Intimacy»Produced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Group SZCollector: Yuri Albert

Conversation between dumb and deafProduced: 2005Year of collection: 2005Author: Boris MatrosovCollector: Yuri Albert

Two-tone composition and squareProduced: 1982Year of collection: 1982Author: Alexandr YulikovCollector: Yuri Albert

Woman of the worldProduced: 1984Year of collection: 1984Author: Andrey FilippovCollector: Yuri Albert

Noughts and crossesProduced: 1975Year of collection: 1975Author: Viktor SkersisCollector: Yuri Albert

From the series «The disappearance of the body»Produced: 1984Year of collection: 1984Author: Frantsisko InfanteCollector: Yuri Albert

Graphics about paintingProduced: 1986Year of collection: 1986Author: Sven GundlaсhCollector: Yuri Albert

For Konstantin and the Constitution!Produced: 1985Year of collection: 1985Author: Konstantin ZvezdochetovCollector: Yuri Albert

It is easy for you be spectators at my expenseProduced: 1988Year of collection: 1988Author: Leonid VoitsehovCollector: Yuri Albert

Picasso in MoscowProduced: 1994Year of collection: 1994Author: Vladimir Dubosarskiy, Alexandr VinogradovCollector: Yuri Albert

Bunny skating formal portraitProduced: 1984Year of collection: 1984Author: Larisa ZvezdochetovaCollector: Yuri Albert

On house exhibition in ChertanovoProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Vadim ZaharovCollector: Yuri Albert