Title: UntitledDescription: MosaicCollector: Maria KonstantinovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: Unknown
Title: UntitledDescription: 50 х 40 сm
Text in the work:
Do you really think that art is what you're looking at now?Collector: Dmitry GutovTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 2007Year of collection: 2007
Text in the work:
Do you really think that art is what you're looking at now?Collector: Dmitry GutovTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 2007Year of collection: 2007
Title: Artist painted this work by his own bloodDescription: ReproductionCollector: Irina KorinaTransfer way: storedGenre: PictureYear of production: 2006Year of collection: 2006
Title: I am not MonastirskyCollector: Andrey Monastirskiy (Sumnin)Transfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 1984Year of collection: 1984
Title: Neo-geoCollector: Alexandr YulikovTransfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 1988Year of collection: 1989
Title: UntitledCollector: Sabina HaensgenTransfer way: presentedGenre: Object Year of production: 1989Year of collection: 1989