Title: UntitledDescription: Yarn, glass, glass beadsCollector: Maria KonstantinovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2000Year of collection: 2000
Title: Pea angelDescription: Peas, sackcloth, threads
New Year present in the school times.Collector: Maria KonstantinovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 1991Year of collection: 1991
New Year present in the school times.Collector: Maria KonstantinovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 1991Year of collection: 1991
Title: Tunnel between mother and fatherCollector: Andrey Monastirskiy (Sumnin)Transfer way: presentedGenre: PictureYear of production: 2005Year of collection: 2005
Title: UntitledDescription: textiles, bellCollector: Andrey Monastirskiy (Sumnin)Transfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 1994Year of collection: 1994
Title: BuddaDescription: textilesCollector: Andrey Monastirskiy (Sumnin)Transfer way: presentedGenre: Unknown
Title: ShKafkaDescription: wool, photo, " ViDaVi" newspapers, threadsCollector: Andrey Monastirskiy (Sumnin)Transfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2002Year of collection: 2002
Title: PyramidCollector: Anastasia RyabovaTransfer way: presentedGenre: UnknownYear of production: 2012Year of collection: 2012