Sergey Shutov
Badge 3cd460836addf5b4b330147328f77b96
Born in: 
Six firtreesProduced: 2005Year of collection: 2005Author: Irina ZatulovskayaCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb 89cb8a01 74bb 42e1 9f1d 6892ed56c23e
RussianProduced: 1989Year of collection: unknownAuthor: Andrew LoganCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb 7b482d41 94d4 4205 963e 0fe0f17bc5bf
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Nikolay PolisskyCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb ac26f5c9 1e2b 4a50 b9fb 7dfa42c09223
Russian forestProduced: 1987Year of collection: 1987Author: Georgiy LitichevskiyCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb 47e8105d 0943 4d86 bd3a ed6edb9a3bbc
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Boris MatrosovCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb bd48cc85 e930 483c a2f8 2e9ee955fc03
UntitledProduced: 1989Year of collection: unknownAuthor: Timur NovikovCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb fecc0a43 28af 4df4 89d6 ab5f354ce9e4
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Evgeny NesterovCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb 17e2efb4 70f0 4ff4 8189 6640fff1a1f7
UntitledProduced: 1989Year of collection: 1989Author: Larisa ZvezdochetovaCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb dcdec0d6 0629 4c07 8d0c 613e7d729109
UntitledProduced: 1985Year of collection: 1985Author: Nikita AlekseevCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb 0b243b19 7c89 42f3 9415 7394684da20a
UntitledProduced: unknownYear of collection: unknownAuthor: Oleg KotelnikovCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb 9b69c147 6115 4fb3 992b 5b2345ec3203
UntitledProduced: 2003Year of collection: 2003Author: Svetlana VikkersCollector: Sergey Shutov
Thumb 9ea622d4 c19f 43f2 8c68 5e8f3b051c56